jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Dubspot Student Spotlight July 2015: Zach Morrison, Michael Blume, Young-Borra, and CTZN TOUR

In our July 2015 Dubspot Student Spotlight, we highlight some outstanding student artists and producers who have recently taken courses at Dubspot NYC, LA, and Online. Get to know Zach Morrison, Michael Blume, Young-Borra, and CTZN TOUR.

Student SpotlightZach Morrison | New Jersey, NY

Zach Morrison

Zach Morrison is 21 year old producer and musician from New Jersey. Zach played hockey for the University of Illinois but ultimately decided to leave the team so that he could focus solely on music. His music reflects his inspiration from genres such as hip hop, jazz, and many types of electronic music. Zach studies music theory and focuses on guitar, his primary instrument. Aside from his work in the studio, he has DJ’ed several venues including the Canopy Club in Urbana, Illinois. Zach has a strong passion for music and audio engineering and would love to continue to pursue a career in the music industry.

“Dubspot has been an awesome experience for me thus far. The tips and techniques I’ve learned are already making a difference in my productions. All the instructors here are very knowledgeable and that’s awesome resource to have. The networking and connections you make with other students is priceless.” ~ Zach Morrison

Michael Blume | New York City, NY

michael blume

NYC artist Michael Blume releases his debut single, “Manufactured Love.” The Yale graduate and former Dubspot student has teamed up with NYC Bassist and Composer Brady Watt (Joey Bad@$$, Melanie Fiona, DJ Premiere) to create the lush, oceanic alternative r&b track.  The song marks Blume’s first release on a full project due out in the coming months.

“Dubspot was like a springboard for me and my career in NYC. When I first came to the city I had to figure out how to START making moves and DS gave me the tools and structure to start working on my recorded music in a way I had not previously explored.” ~ Michael Blume 

Young-Borra | New York, NY


Born in the Bronx, Jonas Young-Borra is a New Yorker all the way. No time for PC attitudes, no time for nonsense – Jonas isn’t about wasting time.

Fast forward to today and Jonas along with his group, Young-Borra (named by bandmates Michael Curley and Garrett DeTemple) has just released their 2nd track and first ever music video for their song, Surround Sound.

“The video was directed by Erik Christopher Lopez and features friends of Young-Borra, models Desiree Dymond, Bre Lembitz and Brana Dane. It’s a fun song and a sexy little vid.”

Young-Borra will be releasing three more tracks off of their initial album over the next six weeks and has a full schedule of performances lined up. Check them out…

Click here to view the embedded video.

“I spent a lot of the past few years contemplating my options: managing the VIP at Webster Hall, playing sports, modeling – it was all good experience, but music is what I’ve always really wanted to do.”  ~ Young-Borra

CTZN TOUR | Los Angeles, CA


Chuck and Emilie are both 20 years old. Chuck is from Beijing and Emilie is from Phoenix, AZ. About a month into their Ableton course, we realized that we were interested in producing similar music and began working together on a few tracks. Soon they also began DJing together at school and decided that they were a great team and should do something with it. So began their joint project, CTZN TOUR. They produce songs that draw from both trap and future/deep house – what we call “trap house.”

“Before coming to Dubspot, I wasn’t sure what my music goals were but I knew it was something I was interested in pursuing. I already learned a little bit of Ableton online, but I was confused how to use it how to put everything together. But now with the skilled instructors teaching us, I’ve already made a lot of songs, and I’m only half-way done with the course. All the instructors they don’t just teach, they affect you with their positive attitude within this positive environment. In class, you feel confident in the work you are doing. I now trust myself.” ~ Chuck Tour

Open House in NYC: Sundays 11am | Guided Tour of LA

Ask questions. Watch demos. Test drive workstations.

Visit our New York and Los Angeles locations! Ask our Admissions Counselors in-depth questions about our programs, curriculum and philosophy. Watch live music production and DJ demos, and test drive our student workstations. If you are still trying to decide what you are looking for, stop by one of our Open Houses in NYC or schedule a tour in LA to find out more about the learning process at Dubspot. We can also help with scheduling details and payment options.

Click here to view the embedded video.

The post Dubspot Student Spotlight July 2015: Zach Morrison, Michael Blume, Young-Borra, and CTZN TOUR appeared first on Dubspot Blog.

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